How Doctors in India are being Exploited

The exploitation of doctors in India is a pressing issue spanning unemployment, mistreatment in corporate hospitals, and governmental negligence. Despite being revered, doctors face challenges that erode the profession's integrity. The recent Supreme Court call for regulation in hospital charges offers hope for change. Urgent action is needed to address these issues, ensuring fair treatment and support for doctors. Collaboration between policymakers, healthcare institutions, and the medical community is crucial to uphold the dignity of the profession and safeguard its importance in society.The medical profession is considered noble and one of the most respected professions in India. However, the common saying "Vaidyo Narayan Hari" seems more like an opportunistic expression rather than a genuine expression of gratitude today. Despite being one of the most demanding courses to join, the medical profession is slowly losing its charm.
Unlike our ancestors, who practiced medicine until the end of their lives, many senior medical practitioners in India today are not actively practicing medicine. This, coupled with increased life expectancy, contributes to making a doctor's life somewhat mundane.
Transition from Employers to Employees:
Doctors, who were once employers and owned their units, are now turning into employees. It is common to see fresh graduates, after completing MS and MD, searching for jobs and moving from one hospital to another seeking employment. This trend may indicate a rising unemployment issue among doctors in the future. The government lacks a clear policy for increasing employment opportunities for doctors, unlike in the tech industry where companies visit colleges for candidate selection.
Government Attitude towards Doctors:
The government seems to focus solely on increasing medical colleges without considering the consequences, both short-term and long-term. The number of medical students graduating each year has increased significantly in the last five years. For instance, in Karnataka, the government canceled compulsory rural postings for MBBS and MD students due to the high cost of paying salaries for these students. Moreover, during PG courses, each postgraduate has to work in rural settings, providing cheaper service to the public, thus reducing the need for consultants and turning medical college students into cheap labor.
Corporate Hospital Exploitation:
The mistreatment of consultants in corporate hospitals is no secret. Many doctors working in corporate setups experience a significant gap between what they are promised and what they actually receive. Management, often governed by business executives, prioritizes money over everything else, leading to exploitation of patients in the name of doctors. There is a lack of transparency in the calculation of professional fees, and frequent changes of hospitals add further mental stress to doctors. With the increasing number of new doctors, the situation could worsen.
Recent Supreme Court Order:
Recently, the Supreme Court of India urged the government to regulate hospital charges and implement CGHS charges pan India. While infrastructure, equipment, and staff salaries in government hospitals are funded separately, in private hospitals, these expenditures are covered by the payments received.
In conclusion, the exploitation of doctors in India is a multifaceted issue that demands urgent attention and action. Despite being revered as noble professionals, doctors face challenges ranging from unemployment to mistreatment in corporate hospitals. The government's lack of clear policies exacerbates these problems, contributing to the erosion of the medical profession's integrity and appeal. However, recent calls from the Supreme Court for regulation and transparency in hospital charges offer a glimmer of hope for addressing these issues. It is imperative that stakeholders, including policymakers, healthcare institutions, and the medical community, work together to ensure fair treatment and support for doctors, thereby upholding the dignity and importance of this vital profession in society.
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