OPD Registration
OPD registretation done by receptionist in most clincis and hospital. To Create new OPD registration you need to go patient mangemant page.
- You need to be logged in
- When new patient is created you will be redirected patient mangement page autometically. From here you can create new opd registretion
- In case of old patient if you know patient ID, put that in Patient ID input box of harzontal bar at the top, and press enter, you will be redirected to patient mangement page of that patinet.
- In case you dont know the Patinet ID and patinet has not brought is records than accessing patient id is done by searching . This is done by clicking patient option of sidebar which opens panel, in the panel click 'Serach | Edit | Delete Patient' .
- Filter the patient by putting first few of patient name and further adding filters.
- We strongly recommend mobile number search. Chances of spelling mistakes of names can be overcome.
- Cick the patient ID from the search result from table. You will be redirected to patient mangement page with reference that patient. From here you can create OPD registration as mentioned above